The Office of the Public Defender invites all media houses to a press conference at which time concerns about the recently tabled Disabilities Discrimination Bill 2014 will be outlined.
In brief the concerns include but are not limited to:-
- The bill leaves a potentially dangerous and serious loophole where the issue of reasonable arrangements is concerned. This has implications for persons in education
- The requirement that there should be a register of the disabled
- The absence of victimisation as a form of prohibited discrimination in the bill
- The dominant role of the minister in the bill
The above concerns, along with the approach of the OPD, will be outlined at the press conference, to be held at the Jamaica Bar Association’s conference room, 78 Harbour Street, Kingston at 11:00 on Thursday June 5, 2014. Questions will be facilitated.
M.k. Mukulu
Public Defender (acting) ( or
Victor Hemmings (
78 Harbour Street
tel.: 922-2919